Location | Online - Auctionsplus |
Sale Date | 15/03/2024 |
Lot | Name | Sex | Colour | Registration | Foaling Date | Reg Status | Competition Status |
69 | BULLSEYE PIXIE | Mare | CHESTNUT | C1-263585 | 09/11/2022 | First Cross | Not Eligible |
1 | YARRABEEPARK NATHAN - HSH | Gelding | BAY | C2-263617 | 01/08/2022 | Second Cross | Not Eligible |
26 | YARNAHS LOVE N THUNDER | Gelding | PALOMINO | C1-263859 | 17/09/2022 | First Cross | Eligible |
41 | OAKTON LODGE SUDDEN INNOCENCE | Mare | BLACK | 261403 | 07/10/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
27 | MUSTBE ISAAC | Gelding | BROWN | C2-263783 | 20/09/2022 | Second Cross | Not Eligible |
89 | NEE VALENTINE - HSH | Gelding | BAY | C1-264186 | 14/02/2023 | First Cross | Eligible |
82 | NEE BOOMERANG - HSH | Gelding | BROWN | C1-264187 | 01/12/2022 | First Cross | Eligible |
81 | SHADYGUM VERSACE - HSH | Mare | CHESTNUT | C2-264086 | 23/11/2022 | Second Cross | Eligible |
62 | CANTALI AZTEC | Stallion | CHESTNUT | C2-264096 | 27/10/2022 | Second Cross | Not Eligible |
66 | CARREGO THOMSONS TRAVELLER - HSH | Gelding | BAY/BROWN | C1-264292 | 04/11/2022 | First Cross | Not Eligible |
57 | WUNGUM HARMONISE | Mare | BROWN/BLACK | C1-264329 | 23/10/2022 | First Cross | Not Eligible |
64 | BEAUSAADA DELSERENE | Mare | BAY | C1-264348 | 31/10/2022 | First Cross | Eligible |
25 | REALISTIC LENA | Mare | BLACK | C1-264402 | 15/09/2022 | First Cross | Not Eligible |
34 | BOWLIV SHADOW | Gelding | BROWN | C2-264324 | 28/09/2022 | Second Cross | Not Eligible |
44 | WUNDURRA DEFLECTION | Gelding | BAY | C2-264341 | 09/10/2022 | Second Cross | Not Eligible |
19 | LOWARNA RIP CURL | Mare | BUCKSKIN | 262296 | 07/09/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
20 | LONE PINE PHOENIX - HSH | Gelding | BAY | 262317 | 08/09/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
83 | LONE PINE HAWKEYE | Stallion | PALOMINO | 262320 | 02/12/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
60 | BULLSEYE ABBY ROSE | Mare | BLACK | 262729 | 25/10/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
43 | BULLSEYE DIGGER | Gelding | BAY | 262730 | 09/10/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
55 | BULLSEYE HUSSLER | Gelding | CHESTNUT | 262731 | 22/10/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
42 | RIVERGLEN SWEET JUSTICE | Mare | BAY | 262800 | 07/10/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
80 | BRANDWOOD SANTA CRUZ | Gelding | BLACK | 262833 | 23/11/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
28 | BARNLODGE GUN FIRE - HSH | Gelding | BROWN | 262843 | 22/09/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
70 | SHEADY HIGH SOCIETY - HSH | Mare | BAY | 263007 | 10/11/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
67 | SHEADY CHEYENNE | Mare | BAY | 263008 | 05/11/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
22 | CHEVALLEY PARK MAGICAL LABEL - HSH | Gelding | BLACK | 263054 | 08/09/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
2 | JATS BAR WRENI | Mare | BROWN/BLACK | 263091 | 02/08/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
47 | JATS BAR SHOWMAN | Gelding | CHESTNUT | 263092 | 12/10/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
63 | BARNETTS BLACK VELVET | Mare | BROWN/BLACK | 263185 | 27/10/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
76 | BARNETTS POWER AND GLORY | Gelding | BROWN/BLACK | 263186 | 18/11/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
45 | JILLIBY CINNAMON - HSH | Mare | CHESTNUT | 263203 | 10/10/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
39 | DUNROSE DEVOTION - HSH | Mare | GREY | 263257 | 05/10/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
8 | TRACROSSY SPARKLE - HSH | Mare | BROWN/GREY | 263310 | 22/08/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
71 | ROSELEAPARK NIGHTHAWK | Stallion | CHESTNUT | 263312 | 11/11/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
17 | SHEADY LOUISVILLE | Gelding | BAY/BROWN | 263467 | 06/09/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
54 | SHEADY DENVER | Gelding | BAY | 263468 | 17/10/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
46 | FREE FLOW WONOONA | Mare | CHESTNUT | 263483 | 10/10/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
51 | FREE FLOW KIAMMA | Mare | BLACK | 263484 | 13/10/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
75 | PLAYMORE TWIST N SHOUT | Gelding | CHESTNUT | 263529 | 17/11/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
13 | YARRABEEPARK MASERATI | Gelding | BLACK | 263618 | 03/09/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
9 | KIRKBYS STUD COMANCHE - HSH | Stallion | CHESTNUT | 263704 | 25/08/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
74 | MUSTBE PLAIN JANE | Mare | BROWN | 263784 | 12/11/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
84 | COMBANING CONFIDENCE | Gelding | CHESTNUT | 263788 | 02/12/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
21 | UMAGARLEE SOXY BOY - HSH | Gelding | CHESTNUT | 263794 | 08/09/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
18 | UMAGARLEE ROSIE - HSH | Mare | CHESTNUT | 263795 | 06/09/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
36 | DOUBLEHAICH CONFETTI | Mare | BROWN/BLACK | 263836 | 28/09/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
23 | YARNAHS TOPGUN | Gelding | BROWN | 263860 | 12/09/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
7 | BRAEVIEW ORLANDO | Gelding | BAY | 263903 | 18/08/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
48 | BRAEVIEW LITHIUM | Gelding | BAY | 263909 | 12/10/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
50 | BRAEVIEW MARTINI | Mare | BLACK | 263910 | 13/10/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
30 | ILGINDRIE BABY BONUS | Mare | BAY/BROWN | 264059 | 23/09/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
73 | KINGSTON TORI - HSH | Mare | BAY | 264092 | 12/11/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
87 | CANTALI RED MINSTREL | Gelding | CHESTNUT | 264097 | 20/12/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
53 | TAMBEAU HIGHLAND QUEEN | Mare | BROWN | 264100 | 17/10/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
12 | TAMBEAU MCDREAMY | Gelding | BAY | 264101 | 02/09/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
77 | NOONS BRONTE | Mare | BROWN/BLACK | 264130 | 18/11/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
85 | KAYCEE SIX SHOOTER | Gelding | BAY/BROWN | 264148 | 05/12/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
38 | DENAM REFLECTION - HSH | Mare | BROWN/BLACK | 264167 | 30/09/2022 | Stud Book | Deceased |
40 | DOUBLEHAICH HARMONY | Mare | CHESTNUT | 264180 | 05/10/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
59 | RIPLEYS JACK SPARROW - HSH | Gelding | CHESTNUT | 264191 | 24/10/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
33 | STANRIC REMIX - HSH | Gelding | BLACK/GREY | 264193 | 26/09/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
16 | RAVENSTONE CHARMING | Gelding | BROWN/BLACK | 264203 | 05/09/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
72 | DEROWIE TUXEDO | Gelding | BROWN | 264226 | 11/11/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
88 | STARWALTZ BURLINSON - HSH | Gelding | BAY/BROWN | 264271 | 26/12/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
10 | BANGALORES JUSTA JAGUAR - HSH | Gelding | BROWN/BLACK | 264281 | 31/08/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
15 | BANGALORES JUSTA ROCKSTAR | Mare | BLACK | 264282 | 04/09/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
6 | MCNAMARA HOLLYWOOD | Gelding | BLACK | 264305 | 16/08/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
90 | UMAGARLEE MYSTIC | Gelding | BAY/BROWN | 264309 | 21/03/2023 | Stud Book | Eligible |
91 | UMAGARLEE COOPER | Gelding | BAY/BROWN | 264310 | 22/03/2023 | Stud Book | Eligible |
14 | COALS TOP SECRET | Gelding | BLACK | 264316 | 04/09/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
5 | TURNERS STUD OCTANE | Mare | CHESTNUT | 264318 | 13/08/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
4 | TURNERS STUD RIVAL | Mare | BLACK | 264319 | 02/08/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
3 | TURNERS STUD RAMRAID - HSH | Gelding | BLACK/PIED | 264320 | 02/08/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
37 | RYABLU POLLEE - HSH | Mare | BAY | 264322 | 30/09/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
32 | GLENECHO COALS AMBER | Mare | CHESTNUT | 264327 | 26/09/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
61 | WUNDURRA ACTRESS | Mare | BAY | 264340 | 27/10/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
49 | BEAUSAADA SERENADE | Gelding | BLACK | 264347 | 13/10/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
65 | PALMERS MAYWEATHER - HSH | Stallion | BLACK | 264361 | 01/11/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
86 | PALMERS ALLEGRO - HSH | Stallion | BAY | 264362 | 20/12/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
29 | ROYALLE HEART TO HEART | Mare | BLACK | 264383 | 22/09/2022 | Stud Book | Not Eligible |
56 | ROYALLE IN THE RED | Stallion | BAY | 264384 | 23/10/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
58 | ROYALLE GLENFIDDICH - HSH | Stallion | BROWN | 264385 | 24/10/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
11 | WARRILL PARK RIVOLI CHANCES - HSH | Gelding | CHESTNUT | 264403 | 01/09/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
31 | SECRETHEART MISS HIT | Mare | BAY | C2-261854 | 23/09/2022 | Second Cross | Not Eligible |
35 | CONSCRIPT | Gelding | BAY | C2-262043 | 28/09/2022 | Second Cross | Eligible |
24 | KINGSTON ORIGINAL | Gelding | PALOMINO | C1-262645 | 15/09/2022 | First Cross | Not Eligible |
52 | BALLENGARRA TEMPEST | Gelding | BAY | C1-262806 | 15/10/2022 | First Cross | Eligible |
68 | BREWERS NEWYORK CHARM | Mare | GREY | C2-263382 | 08/11/2022 | Second Cross | Not Eligible |
78 | TALAWAHL MARCHIONESS | Mare | BAY | 261059 | 19/11/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
79 | TALAWAHL MOULIN ROUGE | Mare | CHESTNUT | 261060 | 22/11/2022 | Stud Book | Eligible |
Version 2.1.0 (studbook-prod-laravel-10)