Horse Name BOSUN
Registration Number 34006
Registration Status Stud Book
Competition Status Deceased
Hall of Fame No
Heritage Stock Horse Not Assessed
Sex Stallion
Sire Registered SUSPENDED - 01/08/04
Foaling Date 19/08/1971
Sire man the rail
Dam lady flora
Breeder Mr R F Davis
Current Owner Miss N Merritt
Genetic Disorder Results NO TESTS
DNA Parentage Test Not Parentage Verified
Microchip Number No microchip number on record
Horse 1st Generation 2nd Generation 3rd Generation 4th Generation 5th Generation

#34006 CHESTNUT 19/08/1971

man the rail

lady flora

Name Sex Colour Registration Foaling Date Reg Status Competition Status
HSH Assessment Not Assessed
Date Name Event Place Rider
Code Lot Name Location Sale Date