214211 horses matched search criteria.
Name Sex Colour Registration Foaling Date Reg Status Competition Status
A B - HSH Gelding BAY/BROWN 48559 30/09/1975 Stud Book Deceased
A BIT FLASH Mare BAY 247045 31/08/2017 Stud Book Eligible
A BIT RASH Mare BAY 77780 29/10/1981 Stud Book Deceased
A BO DEE LUCKY Mare GREY 63379 07/10/1977 Stud Book Not Eligible
A CLASS ACT Mare BAY C2-189846 04/01/2008 Second Cross Not Eligible
A COOL ACRE Gelding BAY 234949 08/11/2011 Stud Book Not Eligible
A COOL PLAYER Stallion BAY R-252593 12/12/2013 Base Registry Eligible
A COWBOYS DESTINY Gelding BUCKSKIN C1-239146 10/11/2013 First Cross Not Eligible
A DATE WITH DESTINY Gelding BLACK 248129 15/12/2012 Stud Book Not Eligible
A FOX ZEE MAX Gelding BLACK/GREY C1-259194 04/10/2015 First Cross Not Eligible
A FROSTY LOOK Gelding ROAN C2-235169 30/09/2010 Second Cross Not Eligible
A GENTLE NUDGE Mare BROWN/BLACK BP-78750 13/10/1981 Breeding Purposes Only - Stud Book Not Eligible
A J SEAMASTER Gelding BAY 100996 17/10/1986 Stud Book Deceased
A JONES SARGENT MAJOR Gelding BROWN 75564 02/10/1985 Stud Book Not Eligible
A JUNIOR JET Stallion BAY 33477 01/09/1974 Stud Book Not Eligible
A LADY IN BLACK - HSH Mare BLACK 159155 15/12/2001 Stud Book Not Eligible
A LIL QUICKACRE Gelding BROWN C1-234748 05/10/2013 First Cross Not Eligible
A LITTLE AMENDMENT Mare BAY R-253305 14/11/2018 Base Registry Eligible
A LITTLE EXCEPTION Mare BUCKSKIN 266452 24/10/2021 Stud Book Eligible
A LITTLE GOLD Mare BAY 77748 23/08/1987 Stud Book Not Eligible
A LITTLE LADY OF ACRES Mare BAY/BROWN C1-261025 22/09/2020 First Cross Not Eligible
A LITTLE SPIN Gelding CHESTNUT C1-158857 30/08/1997 First Cross Deceased
A MEGA CAT Stallion GREY R-259482 26/09/2011 Base Registry Not Eligible
A NIGHT LIKE THIS Mare BROWN/BLACK C1-139314 06/08/2000 First Cross Deceased
A NIP OF BRANDY Gelding BROWN 11017 01/08/1965 Stud Book Deceased
A ONE MOORE CONMAN Stallion BAY R-258000 02/11/2021 Base Registry Eligible
A PINK ROMANCE Mare CHESTNUT/ROAN C1-259603 21/12/2016 First Cross Eligible
A RARE GEM - HSH Gelding BLACK 250531 22/12/2017 Stud Book Eligible
A REWARD - HSH Stallion CHESTNUT 74617 15/09/1984 Stud Book Deceased
A RIOT IN PARIS Mare BROWN 74193 20/08/1981 Stud Book Deceased
A SHADY DEAL Mare GREY C1-237866 11/12/2012 First Cross Not Eligible
A SIN Mare CHESTNUT 45991 30/10/1976 Stud Book Not Eligible
A SMOKIN HOTTIE Mare BAY C2-258523 17/12/2018 Second Cross Not Eligible
A TOUCH OF ACE Gelding BAY 71954 10/11/1974 Stud Book Not Eligible
A TOUCH OF CLASS Gelding CHESTNUT 135153 23/09/1997 Stud Book Not Eligible
A TOUCH OF MAGIC - HSH Mare BAY 73306 02/09/1984 Stud Book Not Eligible
AAB NAAB LADY SUPREME Mare BAY 37333 Stud Book Not Eligible
AABENRAA FINAL Mare BROWN F24238 03/11/1979 Foal Recorded Not Eligible
AABENRAA GILLIAN Mare BAY 6976 Stud Book Deceased
AABENRAA GYPSY Mare BAY 6975 15/09/1969 Stud Book Deceased
AABENRAA HELVENA Mare GREY 6974 Stud Book Deceased
AABENRAA MAMSELLE Mare CHESTNUT 6977 05/11/1971 Stud Book Deceased
AABENRAA MOOKI Mare BAY 6973 Stud Book Deceased
AABENRAA RUBY Mare CHESTNUT 15053 Stud Book Deceased
AABENRAA SOLO Mare BAY 53290 Stud Book Not Eligible
AACC ACACIA - HSH Mare CHESTNUT 186025 04/12/2007 Stud Book Deceased
AACC ADIEU Gelding BROWN 191971 21/09/2009 Stud Book Not Eligible
AACC ALISHA Mare BAY/BROWN 191972 26/08/2009 Stud Book Deceased
AACC ALLISON - HSH Mare CHESTNUT 186020 16/01/2008 Stud Book Eligible
AACC AMERIGO Gelding BAY 188269 25/02/2009 Stud Book Not Eligible
AACC ANGELIQUE Mare CHESTNUT C2-186022 03/11/2007 Second Cross Eligible
AACC BARBARETTE Mare BROWN C2-186027 01/12/2007 Second Cross Not Eligible
AACC BAZZA Gelding BROWN 188277 11/11/2008 Stud Book Not Eligible
AACC CARLEY Mare BAY C2-188275 11/11/2008 Second Cross Not Eligible
AACC CARSON Gelding BAY/BROWN C2-191973 25/10/2009 Second Cross Not Eligible
AACC CATWALK Mare BROWN 197647 01/09/2011 Stud Book Not Eligible
AACC CINNAMON Mare CHESTNUT 197132 02/10/2010 Stud Book Not Eligible
AACC CLEOPATRA Mare BAY 186032 19/10/2007 Stud Book Eligible
AACC COLOUR BURST Gelding CHESTNUT C2-188272 24/10/2008 Second Cross Not Eligible
AACC DENIM Gelding GREY 197648 16/12/2010 Stud Book Not Eligible
AACC DESTINATION Gelding CHESTNUT 189434 21/08/2006 Stud Book Deceased
AACC DMITRI Gelding BAY 197133 04/12/2010 Stud Book Not Eligible
AACC DOMANIQUE Mare BAY 197134 15/12/2010 Stud Book Deceased
AACC DONT RUSH ME Mare CHESTNUT 188271 28/09/2008 Stud Book Deceased
AACC DOVELING - HSH Mare CHESTNUT 188268 04/11/2008 Stud Book Eligible
AACC EARL - HSH Gelding BAY 188283 09/09/2008 Stud Book Not Eligible
AACC ECLIPSE - HSH Mare BAY 188278 01/08/2008 Stud Book Not Eligible
AACC EDITION Mare BAY 188280 06/08/2008 Stud Book Not Eligible
AACC EKKO Mare CHESTNUT C2-188288 25/08/2008 Second Cross Not Eligible
AACC ELDORADO - HSH Gelding BAY 188287 14/10/2008 Stud Book Not Eligible
AACC ELISA Mare BAY 188281 08/08/2008 Stud Book Not Eligible
AACC ELLIOT Gelding CHESTNUT 188282 17/08/2008 Stud Book Deceased
AACC ELPASO Gelding BAY 188279 06/08/2008 Stud Book Deceased
AACC ELVIRA - HSH Mare BAY/DUN 197135 15/12/2010 Stud Book Not Eligible
AACC ELWOOD Gelding CHESTNUT C2-188289 07/09/2008 Second Cross Not Eligible
AACC EMERALD Mare BAY C2-188290 17/09/2008 Second Cross Not Eligible
AACC EVAN - HSH Gelding CHESTNUT 188284 19/09/2008 Stud Book Deceased
AACC EVE - HSH Mare BAY 188285 25/09/2008 Stud Book Deceased
AACC EXPRESS Mare BAY C2-187868 25/08/2006 Second Cross Not Eligible
AACC EXPRESSION - HSH Mare BAY 188286 01/10/2008 Stud Book Eligible
AACC EXPRESSO Mare CHESTNUT C2-188291 17/09/2008 Second Cross Deceased
AACC FAIR DINKUM Mare CHESTNUT C2-191974 21/09/2009 Second Cross Eligible
AACC FAIR GO Gelding BAY/GREY 191975 05/12/2009 Stud Book Not Eligible
AACC FAKER - HSH Mare BLACK/GREY 191976 07/08/2009 Stud Book Not Eligible
AACC FANTA Mare CHESTNUT C2-191978 29/08/2009 Second Cross Deceased
AACC FANTASY - HSH Mare BLACK/GREY 191977 14/09/2009 Stud Book Eligible
AACC FEDERER Gelding BAY 236049 16/12/2011 Stud Book Not Eligible
AACC FLASHLIGHT - HSH Mare BAY 191979 01/10/2009 Stud Book Deceased
AACC FORECAST Gelding CHESTNUT C2-191980 06/10/2009 Second Cross Not Eligible
AACC FORREST Gelding GREY 191981 23/08/2009 Stud Book Not Eligible
AACC FOSTERS Gelding BROWN/GREY 191982 04/08/2009 Stud Book Not Eligible
AACC FOUR X - HSH Gelding BAY 191983 05/08/2009 Stud Book Not Eligible
AACC FREDA MERCURY Mare CHESTNUT C2-186026 19/09/2007 Second Cross Deceased
AACC FUSION Gelding CHESTNUT 188274 10/11/2008 Stud Book Not Eligible
AACC HARVEST Gelding BAY C2-197136 01/12/2010 Second Cross Not Eligible
AACC HAYLEY - HSH Mare CHESTNUT 188267 13/10/2008 Stud Book Eligible
AACC IMPRESSION Mare BROWN 180739 10/09/2005 Stud Book Not Eligible
AACC INA RUSH Gelding BAY 188270 27/09/2008 Stud Book Not Eligible
AACC JEMIMA - HSH Mare BAY 197137 05/09/2010 Stud Book Not Eligible
AACC JODIE Mare BROWN/BLACK C2-178715 10/01/2002 Second Cross Deceased